Tenants be aware – Landlords beware! (Revisited)
Surely you would think, that all Landlord’s are aware that their AST (assured shorthold tenancy) deposits must be secured in
Read moreSurely you would think, that all Landlord’s are aware that their AST (assured shorthold tenancy) deposits must be secured in
Read moreIt is surprising how often Landlords and Tenants alike, avoid having an inventory prepared to save a few pounds, despite
Read moreLeasehold property is a hot topic in the current legal press with both commentators and indemnity insurers alert to the
Read moreSpeak to many flat owners in Portsmouth and they will have a tale of woe about what they pay for
Read moreASK THE EXPERT Q. My property has private drainage in the form of a septic tank. I have lived with
Read moreThe legal process to buy and sell a house can be a daunting task with confusing legal jargon thrown in
Read moreEveryone has very specific expectations about what their Landlord and Managing Agent should deliver. Most will also be quick to
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