Successful and Enjoyable Night at The Royal Maritime Club for the Annual Charity Dinner
Our members and their guests enjoyed an entertaining evening at the Royal Maritime Club on Friday 24th February 2023, with the enthusiastic and funny Michael “Eddie the Eagle” Edwards being our guest speaker, and our Main sponsor Destin 4 Chartered Surveyors.
Starting with welcome drinks sponsored by HW Conveyancing Services in the beautiful foyer, and formal dinner in the Trafalgar Ballroom, which was beautifully decorated and well attended by 197 for the delicious 3 course dinner.
Through-out the evening there was flowing drinks, conversation and laughter, as our members and guests networked and socialised – the first annual dinner back since 2020 and post-pandemic.
The Lord Mayor was in attendance, and we were able to donate £250 to this Charities Appeals, as well as fund-raise for the Chairman’s charities throughout the evening with “Heads or Tails” and tickets sold for the Raffle, with gifts donated by members or their firms.
Iain Morrison, our Chairman, delivered a lovely speech which was followed by Eddie the Eagle’s talk about his Ski-Jumping adventure representing Great Britain, and his story of tenacity, determination and his resilience in the face of so many barriers.
We ended with the Grand Auction, with over 12 lots, our guests were delighted by the variety of lots and were keen to win the opportunities! Thank you indeed to Clive Emson who always delivers an enthralling and entertaining auction experience.
Thank you to the Committee who worked tirelessly before, during and after the event, our helpers throughout the night, as well as to our members for supporting this, to enable us to raise funds for the charities.
Thank you to Flude for sponsoring the Charities table, to enable our charities to attend as guests, and we are pleased to announce we raised a total of £5,315 on the night! What an amazing number!
Our thanks go to the donations for the raffle and auction, in no particular order:
Quality Solicitors Large and Gibson
Vail WIlliams
Neil Hawkins
Chinneck Shaw
Glanvilles LLP
Wheeler & Lai Chartered Surveyors
Holloway Iliffe & Mitchell
Rob Marchant
Home Start Portsmouth
Handelsbanken (Portsmouth)
Pearsons Estate Agents
Allianz Insurance
David Richardson Toastmaster
Finch Group
Winchester Cocoa Company
Victorious (Victorious Festival)
Portsmouth Distillery
Duncan Hamilton ROFGO
Dack Property Management
Destin 4 Chartered Surveyors