Past Chairs’ Christmas Dinner 2024

This annual tradition was started by the Chair Neil Shaw (Senior) over 30 years ago and it is still a much looked forward to event for the past chairs of the Portsmouth Property Association and the committee, who’s current cohort are invited to attend.

December 2024 event is held as ever at the Royal Maritime Club in Portsmouth and was attended by 13, either being past chairs, present chair or committee members.

Neil Hawkins always provides a light-hearted quiz whilst a 3 course meal was enjoyed and stories exchanged over the table.

It is always a joyful event, for the past chairs to indulge in nostalgia as well as know how the PPA are presently. Thank you to those that attended, with a few apologies from those unable to make it, they were missed.

We also raise a glass to the past chairs’ who are no longer with us, their legacies remain with us all, as members going forward continuing this association and as memories shared.