PPA Member Wins National Award
The National Federation of Property Professionals (NFOPP) Presidential
Gala Dinner for the 2011 was held on the 10th June at the recently
refurbished Savoy Hotel in London.
The annual event
provides an opportunity for property professionals to meet the newly elected
presidents for both the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) and the
Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA). And of course enjoy a superb
dinner-dance with colleagues from across the UK.
Toby Wheatley, Auctioneer at Pearsons, was delighted to have
won a national Real Property Auctioneering Technical Award and was present to
receive his award, supported by the Pearsons Auction team.
Toby as a member of PPA is happy to give advice, so if you
have any questions regarding  Auctions please
call Toby Wheatley or the team on 023 8047 4274.