AGM Postponed but Committee Continues to meet
“Following the government’s announcement to retain COVID restrictions for another 4 week, it has been necessary to postpone the AGM to later in the year.
Members voted overwhelmingly for an “in person” AGM and the date will be rearranged once restrictions are lifted.”
Portsmouth Property Association have postponed their AGM, as members had voted for an “in person” AGM meeting. It was due to be held on the 14th July, but due to current government guidelines and restrictions, it was not possible to hold it on the July date intended.
Nonetheless, members will be notified as soon as a new date for the AGM is finalised, and in the meantime the PPA committee members continue to carry out their roles in ensuring the PPA runs smoothly.
Committee members have continued their committee meetings virtually, and have only recently returned to in-person meetings. There will be some CPD and social events lined up for later in 2021, so do keep an eye out and there will be a renewed social media campaign to raise more profiles and engage more community and members in the PPA.
Stay safe and thank you for your continued support of the PPA.